Sunday, May 21, 2017

Playing at comics

Been inspired by Tyler Jenkins watercolor-based art in Grass Kings (and before that Snow Blind) and wanted to try something similar.  But do not have a story right now so I took two random images from Country Magazine and combined them into paneled art.  Then added some words to make a "story" via Microsoft Publications.  Let's see where this all goes. . .

                                            Page 1? (Will there be a Page 2?)

                 Unlettered art -- watercolor, pen and ink on paper (the paper was not made for watercolor, so it has buckled due to the water washes)

                                                      Pen and ink

Monday, May 08, 2017

Doodling with watercolor sticks

Doodling and playing around with some water soluble inks (Diamine Damson, J Herbin Vert Empire) and Daniel Smith watercolor sticks (Moonglow, Quin Gold, Quin Red, Undersea Green, Hansa Yellow Medium) to see which colors/inks work together.  Not sure if I found that match, but some of these ink/color combos work really well together.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Lion around

I'd be lying if I said it was not hazy, hot, and humid at the National Zoo this past weekend.  But, still it was a a lovely day.    

A quick, almost gestural painting of the lion, just lying around.

                                 Watercolor 6.9 X 9.8  on 110 lbs paper (PS)